Endeavour Elementary School Home

FRUITVALE SCHOOL DISTRICT - Endeavour Elementary Special Education Regional Center

Endeavour Elementary Special Education Regional Center


News & Announcements

Parent Project

Sign up for Parent Project!

Need some strategies for challenging behavior? This is the course for you!! Reserve your spot today! Dinner and childcare provided.
School supplies

About Us

The Fruitvale School District is located in northwest Bakersfield. Founded in 1895, the District includes Columbia Elementary, Discovery Elementary, Endeavour Elementary, Quailwood Elementary and Fruitvale Junior High Schools, and has a current TK-grade 8 enrollment of 3,062 students.
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We will provide an environment of excellence where students and staff are engaged responsibly in 21st Century learning within the context of priority standards. We will inspire each student to innovate, collaborate, and persevere as critical thinkers in real world problem solving.
apple on books


The Fruitvale District School Board, staff members, and parents are committed to providing high- quality programs and ongoing instructional improvement.
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Welcome to our school! We believe that parent participation is key to student success; our new website is designed to provide parents with all the information they need to be active participants in their student’s education. You will find that the site works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop so you can find information on the go.